Last night I was talking to Marcus Lushes' Producer about Baby deaths due to Heat pumps being too hot and evidently 2 babys have died in the South Island (something I was unaware of).
I did some research with my business partner's wife Kirsty (who has a new baby) and she informed me that plunket recommend 16 - 20 deg C. Kirsty sets her baby's heat pump on 17 deg C, so that if the temperature drops below 17 deg overnight the unit will maintain the set temperature. She also dresses baby suitably being carefull not to overheat baby, which evidently is quite a common thing to do.
Before these discussions I always thought that 21 - 22 deg would be a good baby temperature, but you learn something every day.
We sell lots of heat pumps for baby nurseries (as you can dial up the temperature that you want) and the constant temperature setting idea still is going to give you the best result.